What your BTS bias says about you

17 min readJan 8, 2021


Hello, ARMY here, but also your regular resident psychic energy healer bitch here to deliver you some uncomfy truths but 200000% sureball healing. I deeply adore the presence of bangtan in this current lifetime as per they’re really this genuine ball of energy, vulnerability and light that has a momentum that is just so UNPARALLELED.

It’s really important to move energy in the body and the concerts — near religous experiences of trust and love, and simultaneous expression of excitement and singing of things we want for ourselves and other people. Bangtan Sonyeodan are truly magickal people. Now I won’t get into the nitty gritty of say — Tae’s communication with angels, or the spell casting of songs like Magic Shop, Pied Piper or 2!3! (maybe that is for another post) but instead let’s talk about your crushes — OH I MEAN BIASES.

And what it says about you, energetically and what you can reflect on and work with. These are more or less generalizations and obviously don’t apply as carbon copies to all people as we are multi-faceted beings, but for the sake of this article let’s go along with the very straightforward idea that qualities that you’re magnetized towards a certain person are things you really need in your life, or traits you eventually learn.

Also this is based on my personal experience of ARMY & BTS and ofcourse there could be a thousand more different interpretations of this article. This is just one and we’re all valid and glean different things from our different biases. Ofcourse we do!

(quick eg: Liking Namjoon’s way with words, HIS WAYS W WORDS SPECIFICALLY — means you want to develop your own relationship with words, or don’t have as much access to it as you’d want to. Through out this article try to observe yourself like a stranger if the things I mention are things you’ve repressed within yourself or things you’re jealous of and wanting for yourself)

So let’s get started!


Tae is a visual — but also! a very unconventional visual. He goes for very unconventional poses, and makes odd vintage pieces work and look high fashion. (It’s not only because he has Capricorn energy) but what I really see in V is a deep relationship with just accepting himself and the way he is.

In older interviews you can even pick-up RM mentioning of how he himself found Tae weird at first but eventually began to question what’s normal in the first place. Also Tae has explained before that his face is really expressive but also so easily misinterpreted as he has a very stoic resting and neutral face which can feel stand-offish and rude when in reality he is just processing an event and taking his time. In this way, Tae has a very calm internal energy, and a strong inner child archetype as being one of the maknaes of the group.

What this says about you is that you probably have something really quirky and unconventional about you too that you may tend to hide, but makes you easily relate to Tae and celebrate how open he is with how he holds it. It can also mean that you’re having problems with sharing your own unique self-image, especially with the problems of being misunderstood, and admire Tae’s unique charm and confidence for the camera. He inspires all of us to be ourselves unapologetically and share all of our faces — yes! even the funny weird ones to the world as well.

Additionally Tae also has a deep relationship with sadness, upon the deaths that surrounded some eras of his career, and experiences of burn-out as noted in the song blue & grey and his other solo songs. Personally speaking I feel like he’s still very much in the process of catalyzing these things and the energy he has with approaching these things have taught me to accept where ever people are in the process.


What parts of yourself you think are too artsy, too odd to share to the world and maybe choose to share it to some of your close friends?

Dare yourself to post a few selfies where you feel more at ease with what you really like — and don’t care about what’s popular or expected of you! Be yourself!

Grief and your relationship with your own winters. How you can possibly make art from then


Jungkook is the golden maknae of the group who easily excels in so many things! He is the main vocalist, a strong member of the dance line, and has a thousand hobbies like drawing, boxing and playing the guitar. In interviews you can easily glean that Jungkook is one of the hardest on themselves amongst the members (alongside Jimin) and is constantly driven to make himself better.

Personally, I also find Jungkook to have one of the most open and youthful faces in the group, and has a deep expression of his inner child and play. He is! the youngest of the group, so he gets away w/ so many of his very “extra” shenanigans and competitiveness in Run! BTS, babied by his hyungs and is also so naturally athletic. In this way you can also see a very straightforward above-the-table earnestness in the way he writes his songs and even performs his dances.

It’s not that he’s not deep. It’s just that he doesn’t really complicate and ruminate his feelings, it’s just that he cries so much more easily than the other boys, and confesses that most of his troubles are worrying about the other members and not really his. He’s honest and open on and off set.

What this says about you is that you probably want to be as free, and simple as Jungkook. To love him would probably be a simple love — not one that complicates itself with too many burdens. You show ea other light and relish ea other’s achievements. Him being the youngest, I also notice a lot ARMY’s who bias him also have a strong nurturing archetype, always loving the idea of taking care of such a precious maknae and assuaging his anxieties. In a way, you can feel like a mom figure cheering for your child and you love being proud of him. He also helps people who cannot focus only on one passion, or aren’t so keen on being book smart to feel just as valued and acknowledged in society.

W/ this line of thought THINK ABOUT:

Where can you unapologetically be the youngest baby, be babied, be cute and just play? With whom? Do you let people you love have access to this too no matter what your age is?

What hobbies do you want to explore w/ just as much passions Jungkook?

In the same way that you want to assure Jungkook that he’s always worthy for having done his best, how do you build your own self up when you see your achievements fall short alongside your goals? how would you want Jungkook to talk to himself? how can you celebrate more of your work?


PARK JIMIN! our resident libra, all-gender charmer and ethereal singer and dancer. I’ll say this as straightforwardly as I can. Jimin has the largest divine feminine energy amongst the members in the group, in the textures of his dances, his clothing, the way he generally speaks and holds himself. This is coming from someone who in debut era days put a lot of effort into seeming masculine and had a lot of body image issues with keeping a very visible six pack.

When observing Jimin through eras you’ll see how much he’s accepted more of what his soul’s expression is, whatever society says. Contemporary & ballet dance, often seen as effeminate, is something he constantly showcases in his dance breaks (black swan, solo stages) and showcases so much of the softer movement textures in the group.

Also, I really have to confess I’ve only had a deeper understanding of Libras upon observing Jimin with the rest of the boys. Libras are the most relational in the zodiac, he’s constantly asking for attention from the boys and when asked questions about himself, he almost always spins it in a way that includes some body else or in relation to somebody else in the group. He likes to include, and would always frame his woes in relation to the group or ARMY itself. It’s never his thing alone, and takes his relationships very seriously and obviously worries a lot about them.

What this says about you — and I have to admit it the ARMY I know who Bias Jimin, have a deep deep appreciation of Beauty, and either really want to embody or are already deeply embodying so many aspects of the divine feminine. You can also deeply relate with Jimin’s body issues and appreciate how mindful and thoughtful he is of the relationships around him. Also worthy of note, the times that Jimin has cried because of ARMY (losing his voice; and ARMY chanting back it’s okay — and needing to forgive himself in the process, learning to go easier on himself) could be important to you. As you’re also trying to ease yourself out of perfectionism and relying on other people as well for accepting you for things you may be lacking in.

*QUICK NOTE: I know that Jungkook has gone through something similiar with his ankle injury, but it’s noticeable how much more Jungkook would bury his feelings or brush things off. Jimin is remarkably so much more mental with his worries always caught in the loop of what other people might think or how he can try harder. Jungkook on the other hand physicalizes his stress about the expectations around him by burying himself in activities like video shooting which isn’t as purely mental thought-spiral nature that I observe Jimin would get into.


What parts of me takes note of where other people are constantly? Who’s opinion of me matters? What societal expectations can I drop? What’s my real opinion about myself?

(esp if you’re a libra or a relational sign) Am I surrounded by people who love and support me? Do I listen and trust their support and advice?

How can I celebrate more of my beauty? Especially if you have blocks around vanity — how can you unapologetically celebrate yourself? ESPECIALLY if you’ve been judged as plain before — every time you see Jimin try to sincerely answer what’s charming about yourself and discover your own truth

*mini-break: I love all seven of the boys! I’m sorry if some of them are longer than the others, I don’t mean to look biased. I just have more to say for some of them, and I hope ARMY understands


WHO’S YOUR HOPE?? It’s J-HOPE!! J-hope is the resident dance machine, rapping sexy ball of sunshine, streetwear and of course magnificent aquarius energy of the bangtan boys. First of all — hobi said so himself hope was a name that was created for him — in a sense every time he intoned it, he was really conscious of embodying hope for everybody else.

He is the battery of the group, remarkable for his bubbly personality and easy outgoingness and playfulness. His visual isn’t typical for an idol group and horse jokes were a thing he had to triumph above in earlier eras of BTS.

To be honest, even if J-hope is part of the maknaes, he really vibes like a hyung. He’s deeply responsible and detail-oriented as a dance teacher, and very thorough in terms of keeping his surroundings clean wether it be Bon Voyage or Run!BTS.

There’s this inkling where I really feel that hobi has a really strong mature archetype in him, constantly tackling solo stages with increasing complexity, and rapping about things such as giving thanks to his mother or consciously being and setting off a party with dance hits like Ego or Just! Dance! Even his contributions in the latest album, ‘BE’ center around his relationship with work and his solo mixtape revolve around themes about growing up and flying high — creating his own world whereas before he only used to look up to his music idols. Remarkable also is how the group says that hobi is the scariest when angry because it’s really rare.

What this says about you, and you’re going to have to give me some leg room here. As this is just all guessing, but you’re a person who loves to work hard but doesn’t want to burden people with how hard it is and in fact making it look easy. You value people who bring energy and happiness to a situation and keep things on a very efficient and professional level. You care a lot, and in this way you also can put up a smiling facade that wants to bring cheer/hope to people.


Yo if you’re a frustrated dancer because of hobi go take that dance class and make this all around performer proud.

You’re probably also really devoted to your work, so keep trying out new hobbies and learning about yourself so that you can take your mind off things once in a while. Hobi himself is still exploring a lot of things, and if all else fails you can have fun with your fashion. Also honor how far you’ve gone, celebrate.

Make sure to carve out space/time where you don’t always have to be peppy, it’s okay if you don’t want to be public about it. Just choose the right friends to process the person you’re becoming.


In the famed words of Min Yoongi, RM carries a lot of heavy burdens as the leader of like a globally famous group, not to mention that the group in it’s pre-debut days was designed around him.

First of all, I want to say as I’ve already said in an example, Kim Namjoon is really smart and has a way with words. I know that sometimes, Namjoon feels like this overplayed in the marketing aspect of BTS, but read any damn interview of Namjoon (read the weverse one if you haven’t) and you’ll realize that Namjoon has a really vast and deep thinking mind. He’s not only poetic in terms of meditating upon things, but he has such a good grasp of the larger workings, positioning, and influences of the things that are happening around the group, the world, the industry.

In this way, he’s so mindful and caring with what he says to ARMY, but also comes as a double edged sword as he is prone to over-thinking and admits to himself that he is anxious. He’s suffered a lot of allegations in earlier eras of bangtan and he’s really had to prop himself up not only as a leader but as someone who has had to prove himself as an idol (without having the “face” of one) and prove himself as a rapper/hip-hop (esp. in the earlier days of bangtan with a lot of bashers). His familiarity with this difficulty with loving yourself and accepting yourself is especially what makes him resonant in speeches (not only as being the english spokesperson of the group) but also attunement with the boys and ARMY with being able to say what they really feel or what needs to be said. Regardless if say, jimin understood the english or not. “I felt it” as the rest of BTS would say.

Rare is the Kim Namjoon bias who’s not in love with his mind. His recent love for art and nature also shows his expansiveness and appreciation of art itself and his penchance to destroy things honestly just humanizes him. If you bias Kim Namjoon let me tell you you have a deep affinity for words and please allow yourself to embrace it, learn from Namjoon the heartfelt attunement of being able to speak from love and speak your truth even in your pain, diss or worries. You’re also willing to be heard. Also if you’re processing some self-perceptions of being seen as a nerd or smart, please see RM and realize that you can be smart and not feel so type-casted as that.


Write. I mean it. Also if you’re frustrated that you’re not as good in other things as other people, maybe bask in the appreciation of those things. In appreciation of the synergy and love of a group.

If you are also a leader, know that you are appreciated. Lean on others more and share your burdens. Don’t judge things when they comfort you, wether it’s a toy collection or a bonsai, fall into what slows down your thoughts. Use your mind to be kind to yourself.


I’ll be honest, Min Yoongi is hands down my bias and I don’t think I can ever objectively describe this part of the article with out imploding, but I’ll try.

Yoongi is our resident, just wanted to be a producer, dead-pan humor, didn’t want to dance at first, angst boy from daegu and he’s come a long long way. Any yoongi stan is probably in love also w/ Agust-D, his alter for more raw and darker parts of his song-writing. Yoongi is in love with music claiming it saved him (First Love) and is constantly obsessed with it, noticable in interviews and his obsession to keep making songs even when they’re in tour.

In earlier eras, maybe it came from a place of having to prove himself. His family didn’t support his music except for his brother, and for the hip-hop scene, him alongside with RM, were dismissed as sell-outs for being idols. As he joked in a muster “Hip hop can’t be cute, except for me. I can be cute”. Noticeable in his raps not only his acid criticism of society but his deep belief in people of having dreams and ambition. It’s exactly what keeps him for pushing harder even when he’s noticeably exhausted and tired.

He’s not as passionate in stage performance as Jimin or J-hope, but his stance not only in terms of mental health and dead-pan honesty about being an idol (jokes like aa capitalism) brings an unapologetic vulnerability to all of BTS stages. Just looking at shadow from the Map of the Soul album perfectly illustrates what yoongi is as a function in the group and ARMY as a whole, he is the door to our own shadows as someone who is so unapologetic about how tired, terrified, and miserable he was in certain times in his life.

Amongst the group he’s one of the most difficult to receive and give physical affection (tsun, btw Hope is up there in terms of expressiveness) and confesses to having mental health problems. To be honest, as a psychic I have a hard time watching some run eps and stages where I could really energetically tell that Yoongi was in a self-destructive moment, it’s really hard to watch when he isolates or is way too hard on himself.

Which makes listening to his latter mix-tape D-2, and his general manner in latter eras — more self-forgiving and calm and soft (it’s the baby pisces energy coming out) that just makes you want to support this boy harder. His capacity to change (killing the old Agust-D in a music video) and his own vulnerability in their variety shows (SOOP, Bon Voyage) really portrays the healing aspect of water signs when they show their scars to people they trust and learn to heal from them.

IF YOU ARE BIASED TO MIN YOONGI, I’ll be honest, I feel like you have a deep relationship with your darkness too. Maybe you’re a little envious with how he transforms his pain into songs that he can perform so publicly — and want to do the same thing about your own hurt. Maybe you feel just as broken as him and aspire to do just as much good regardless of your mental health. Whatever reason you have, I mean god whoever you bias in BTS, I really do support you. If you BIAS Yoongi,


Journaling about your formative years and relationships ala first love or D-1, trying to ground your experiences and making them beautiful. You don’t need to publicly release them but being able to feel them and acknowledge them is an important part of the process.

If you’re in an industry where you’re told you’re not supposed to be there, or an outsider, how can you feel & celebrate that you’re the exception? Are there times and ways where you can be more honest (not necessarily deadpan) and even humorous about the irony of some situations?

How could you spend more time doing & focusing on the thing you love about your career more? Even if you’re scared, is there a part of you that wants to dream as big as yoongi?

If there’s a part of you that wants to change dramatically, divest a history, dramatically change hair colors — whatever, can you do it now? Can you forgive yourself for doing what you did at the time that you did those things? Yes you felt those things, but it doesn’t also stay that way forever. How can you allow yourself to change?


WORLDWIDE HANDSOME, OUR MOON, JINNIE! Also hands down one of my favorite Sagittarius energy out there. The hyung of the group, he’s always joked to “grow up” he has a strong inner child archetype is playful beyond words in his on screen persona as a performer and even as a host/player in Run!BTS.

His jokes often ease up the tension in rooms in interviews, and it’s noted in one of the FESTA’s that amongst the members, he’s one of the most “consistent” in terms of not having giant mood swings of insecurity or performing consistently in tour. To be honest one of the most impressive things I find from Jin (though also allowed by his relative privilege and what not) is his deep gratitude and allowance for the present moment.

I kid you not. I usually read the boy’s energies/auras when they have appearances, and though some of them have high and low days, this 2020 jin has been consistently just very open and present no matter what the situation. His body reads as very light, he’s very simple and straightforward like a fire sign that way.

He’s has his own troubles with his shadows, in terms of improving his dancing and vocal ability. And even his own angst of not wanting to share the dark parts of him to ARMY except when it’s a song, mourning the loss of his dog or the feeling of sinking into the ocean depths, or feeling undeserving of success when other people are so much more passionate about music.

If you’re bias is Jin, what it says about you is that you have a deep appreciation for light, and gratitude and appreciating the present moment. Not overthinking too many things, and really finding a way to have people have an easier or more fun time like a true entertainer. Simple what’s on the table and just earnest love.


What parts of your life can you enjoy more, be grateful more in the moment? At what parts of your life can you be less serious and more fun, more funny, more entertaining?

Where can you take yourself less seriously, and to who do you love which you can be so much more unapologetically expressive to? (think Jin’s heart events or the choreography to spine breaker)

And that about sums up the whole article! I did my best and I hope you find some parts of this helpful and insightful. If you have a favorite or would like to ass more thoughts about what your bias says about you, feel free to comment below! I know I can’t possibly cover everything and would love to hear about your ARMY-BTS experience.

That’s it for now, if you want any more articles, or energy readings around BTS comment it below. See my services is you want to get an energy reading from me or avail of any other soul services or just want to tip me or something. This is an old blog and I haven’t updated it in a bit but thank you for reading anyway!






energy healer, somatic pract, ttrpg gamedev, ARMY, PH